

  • No Charge Initial consultation
  • $60.00        An hour, base fee
  • $15.00        Billed by the quarter hour
  • $                   Plus expenses such as travel, lodging, food, equipment, supplies etc.
  • $120.00     Retainer for large projects


Research and other agreed upon services

  • $15.00        each half hour, minimum 1 hour


Grant writing

  • $100.00     set up fee , non-refundable
  • 10%             of total grant request, paid out when grant is accepted
  • $                   Any expenses associated with the writing of a grant to be paid as incurred.

These fees, except for set up fee, can be written into the grant application itself as a part of the admin fee.  No charge for grants that do not get accepted, other than set up fee and expenses.



  • $275.00     Honorarium
  • $                   plus expenses such as travel, lodging, food, equipment, supplies etc.


White Papers, Reports or Articles

  • $25.00        a page of copy, including  index, abstract, bibliography, citations (but not cover page) double-spaced, about 250 words a page or 10 cents a word approximately